Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Peterson rules!

Thes teams are awsome!!!!!!

Football is a awsome sport right now im playing tackle football The Bulldogs we are good whene this cheerleader dosen't show up when she dose we lose so thats why I told her to not come to the game on saterday because it's the bigeast game of the year and we have to win we have only won one game so it's really important to win that game thats why shes trying not to make it to the game noe lets talk NFL My two favorite teams are The New Your Giants and The Newengland Patriots thats all i have to tell you about football.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Me and my dad

Me and my dad always go outside and play baseball football and othe things whats fun is that we have a wii at his house with madden 10 that awsome to play.We go out all the time and we go to the movies and eat out my dads favorite place to eat at is elro dao mine is macdonalds i always get theQuater pounder meal ther.We do work outs and he goes to his friends house and hes really strong. thats how much fun i have at dads.

Doing my job.

My job that im good at is annoying my mother i do it because she is always joking around with me and it bothers me so thats my why of geting back at her by annoying her lol lol!My real jobs are cleaning,laundery, dishes,and cleaning my room.I think i do a good jod doing my chores.


Skatebording rules

I am a good skateborder of done it for 2 years. And I hope all of you guys like skategording because its the coolest sport ever.My favorite bord is blind.

Blingg's Blog

My name is Bryce Lingg I am 11 .I go to Centerville Elementery School. My favorite sports are football,basketball,baseball,and skatebording. Right now I play tackle football and im good when im in a bad mood.My friends are Tyler Johnson,Devon Spears,and Alex Brandon I have more im just not going to put them on here.